Amount of information per word

Words that I read: 1476 (10 minutes)

Words that I wrote: 169 (10 minutes)

Paper: (p7~8)

 As I mentioned yesterday, I read the paper carefully. When I try to read carefully, I sometimes read the same lines like I mentioned in my early days. It is much less than before, but I guess this depends on my mindset on how much I rush or tries to slow down. The interesting thing is, the level of understanding doesn't improve monotonically as I slowed down the speed. If you read slowly, it is sometimes difficult to understand because there is not enough flow of information in you brain. I guess there is a sweet spot of reading speed that the flow of information input matches with the processing speed of my brain. Information per word is not uniform throughout the paper. You can read the introduction faster because there is less new information. Now I am curious to find out a right speed of reading depending on how much information is included in the text and the processing speed of my brain.