5 minutes of run

Words I read: 1873 (10 mintues)

Words I wrote: 115 (5 minutes)

Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0508124.pdf (p7~11)


Clear weather, clear mind and I read a lot. The level of understanding the article was about 60%, but I am not feeling that I can’t understand any. I guess it’s okay as long as I am understanding some of the new lines and can proceed. I’m feeling a little bit sleepy, because I went to bed late last night. Morning routine was fine and I don’t feel tired of it. The first 5 minutes of a run is tough, but if you passed the 5 minutes, my mind gets completely optimistic and feel like I can do anything. Getting that 5 minutes done as early as possible is the key to managing a day.