Reading is genuinely fun

Words that I read: 1934

Words that I wrote: 153

I feel reading is a very fun activity. It is close to having a meditation. You sit correctly, take a deep breath and concentrate on reading lines. The desire to read faster and understand without repeating forces me to ignore anything other than the paper that I am reading. Other good thing I realised was that, since I am recording how many words I can read in 10 minutes everyday, I am grasping the pace of my reading and now I am using this as a standard to guess how much it takes to read a particular article. Today, I read a lot of different reading materials. Proof reading of my partner's thesis, additional references for my presentation tomorrow and etc.. I could foresee how much it takes to read them and this gave me an idea of my studying schedule today, which I couldn't do well before. Thanks to the 10 minutes!